Leta-Belle and the Frog
Sunday, January 1, 2012
long time, no blog...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Work in Progress, well, sort of...
this is from the foyer looking in. I did rearrange and I am very happy with the set up - great for hosting larger groups and intimate enough that people won't feel overwhelmed.
here it is from the fireplace looking toward the foyer. Again - I am happy with this furniture configuration, but as you can see I still have a long way to go. You can just catch a peek of the super awesome light my hubs just hung in the foyer - I like to think of it as my,"Yep - this does make me cooler than you." light - I love it!
And here it is from the dining room door. So give me your ideas on that coffee table right there. I am torn as to whether I should paint it orange(which was my original plan) or go for something a little more traditional - or crazy(like silver). Over all, I feel like the room needs to be toned down in formality - which will be helped tremendously by the removal of the Persian rug and replaced by a sisal rug. I'm just a little worried that it might be kinda cold feeling...thoughts, please! and now for the problems:
Here is one of the chairs...what is awesome about these is they have a round back and they are totally comfortable. What is not awesome is that I cannot make up my mind about what fabric to go with. I go back and forth between a neutral and something way crazy and out there. I'm almost wishing I could find a stripe that rocks my world. I've also toyed with an over sized hounds tooth print and over sized damask print (a.k.a the pillows). I also dig those neutral trellis prints that Serena & Lilly have in their catalog. Thoughts? Suggestions?
My Nana's chair. It really is totally the coolest ever. It's great quality and honestly doesn't need to be recovered - but I think the fabric is far too traditional - so I want to update it with a superfly slipcover. The question is - should I make it match the two "Lady Chairs" on the other side of the room? I'm thinking that might be good for unifying the two conversation areas. You will also note the over sized brass lamp on the side table. I got it at a garage sale for $10 - which I thought was a steal - especially considering all the lamps I like enough to buy in a store cost like $200...so the big issues with it are that it is brass - and the lampshade is dark and not the right shape. I'm thinking I might try to paint it white or robin's egg blue or something.
I really would like some thoughts and suggestions - I just got a bunch done and yet it feels like I have a really long way to go. SO - I'm all ears :)
Friday, January 28, 2011
My New Obsession

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Ready, Set, Resolutionize!
1. Fully fund the emergency fund ( yep, that's been number one on the list for the last 4 years or so...must be something about having 4 kids that makes achieving that next to impossible)
2. Start saving toward real estate investments - because I know we love the appraisal business, but it might be nice to have that extra stream of income
3. Get the kitchen, and bedrooms painted and decorated...COMPLETELY...like with art on the wall and stuff
4. Buy a new couch for Aaron's Man Cave...because my children have managed to kill the current one...
5. Run at least one marathon, hopefully two 1/2 marathons and even more hopefully complete 2 sprint distance triathlons...I can tell what you're thinking, she's really insane, but hey, you have to aim for something or you'll end up shooting yourself in the foot...
6. Get all the way to goal weight...also a repeat from several years...but I actually made it about half way there in 2010, so if I can keep up the momentum, maybe I can get the rest of the way there.
7. Replace the crapped up swagger wagon. It's paid for, and it is functional, but it is UGLY and french fry encrusted, and I am a little sick of it. Who knows, I might even go back to SUV land...oh man, those were the days...
8. Finish all slipcovers and decorating in the living room. Actually I would like to have all the slipcovers finished by the end of January, but seeing as it is technically the middle of and I haven't finished the first one (although I have a very good start), I'm doubting it'll be in January...
9. Buy new dining room chairs. Super modern and sleek - maybe even lucite...how cool would that be?!
10. Figure out the table situation for the breakfast room, and paint/recover the chairs.
11. Upgrade my embroidery machine to a "slap your momma" model.
12. Do something with the china cabinet and buffet - they are nice, but not cool enough, and they could be, it's just a matter of making them realize their potential...
13. Cover all the boxes in the sewing room, so that they look cute and are more than just functional.
14. Organize the Quazimoto rooms, hall closets and all the seaonal clothing...it's just a mess in and around all that, the seasonal clothing causes me great wailing and gnashing of teeth...there has got to be a better way!
15. Purchase and extra freezer, so that I can start doing once a month cooking again.
16. Start saving for the fence around the front yard...it's gonna be a major expense and I am ready to get it taken care of...these kids really need to have to outside time that doesn't involve me taking them somewhere (our backyard is basically a courtyard) or risking them getting hit by a car.
So I guess that's a pretty good list, perhaps you might have some suggestions? I guess it just wouldn't be the new year if I wasn't sitting around thinking about all the stuff I didn't get done last year and how much there is to do now...so, here we go again!